World Organization for Development
The World Organization for Development has been endowed with consultative status with the UN ECOSOC since 2014. The World Organization for Development, which has consultative status wich the UN ECOSOC, develops and implements Global Initiatives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

World Forum of Territorial Entities

World Forum of Territorial Entities

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The World Forum of Territorial Entities (WFTE) is part of the Global Governors Event Space, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, and is intended to bring together the Governors Teams and Heads of Territorial Entities – territorial units of the top-level from different countries of the world – to stimulate sustainable development of Territorial Entities innovative, technological, economic, social and other areas. Create a Global Dialogue Platform for Governors teams with a view to sustainable development and the achievement of the UN SDGs.
The World Forum of Territorial Entities is one of the main tools for practical stimulation of the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world and Business in innovative, high-tech, economic, social and other areas.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities creates a Dialogue Platform between Governors teams and Business, bringing together international Business, Governors and Governors teams for sustainable development of Territorial Entities (regions, entities, states, provinces, counties and other territorial units of the world’s top-level) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals UN, improves investment, innovation, technological climate.

   Hundreds of international forums are held annually in the world, but there are no global forums uniting Governors teams, Heads of top-level Territorial units from different countries and Business Leaders.
Territorial Entities is the basis for the sustainable development of any States. The development of countries, the stability and well-being of the people depend on the effectiveness of the work and interaction of the Governors, their Teams and Businesses.
The innovation of the World Forum of Territorial Entities is to organize the Global Dialogue Platform to develop strategies for further development and interaction between the Governors, the Governors teams and Business, on all the issues of the development.

   Supranationality, scale and communicative potential allow finding and defining new growth points for each Territorial Entities, and contributing to the achievement of the UN SDGs.
Regular holding of the World Forum of Territorial Entities, in cooperation with the United Nations, will provide an opportunity to demonstrate new global innovative, investment, industrial, technological and other achievements and opportunities, as well as the best global practices of sustainable development and effective management of Territorial Entities and interaction with Business.
The World Forum of Territorial Entities contributes to the creation of a balanced system of development of Territorial Entities, systematizes the attraction of innovative and investment capital, increases the investment attractiveness of Territorial Entities, reduces the risks of poor management and creates additional impetus for accelerated industrialization and development of the Territories.
The Forum participants include Governors and regional leaders from around the world, key members of the governors teams in various areas, heads of high-tech and industrial corporations, investment banks and funds, diplomatic representatives, heads of international organizations of the UN system, and global media.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities is composed of the Forum Executive Committee and the Administrative Office, which operates on an ongoing basis. Personnel, financial and other organizational issues to ensure the activities of the Administrative Office are determined by the Forum Executive Committee.

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   The headquarters of the Forum Executive Committee and the Administrative Office changes its location annually. Each year, after the next Global Governors Summit and the World Forum of Territorial Entities, the Forum Executive Committee and the Administrative Office move to the country and city of the next Global Governors Summit and the World Forum of Territorial Entities.

   The host country provides organizational, documentary, visa and other support in organizing the work of the Members of the Forum Executive Committee and the Administrative Office throughout the year, and also facilitates the holding of the Global Governors Summit and the World Forum of Territorial Entities in its territory.

The mission of the World Forum of Territorial Entities:
Organization of the Global Governors Platform for dialogue between the Governors, Governors teams and Business in order to create new impulses for the sustainable development of the territorial entities of the world.

   Objectives of the World Forum of Territorial Entities:
1. Creation of a platform for dialogue and exchange of the best world experience in various areas of territorial development, with a view to the effective development of the Territorial Entities;
2. Definition and demonstration of the best world practices in the development and management of Territorial Entities;
3. Stimulating the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, creating conditions for new impulses in the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities is held in different countries of the world and is combined with the holding of the Global Governors Summit. The Global Award for Sustainable Development is held within the framework of the World Forum of Territorial Entities, the results of which nominees and laureates are calculated openly on the basis of Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities is the result of intellectual activity, designed in the form of the Author’s description and scenario of the Forum, stimulating the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world in innovative, high-tech, economic, social and other areas, uniting and creating an Interactive Platform for international Business, Governors and Governors teams for sustainable development and improving investment, innovation and technology climate, entitled: “World Forum of Territorial Entities (WFTE)”.

   The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier – ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423 and deposited with the Authors’ Society, an entry in the Register for the number 26124. The period of creation from December 23, 2009 to March 3, 2017.

GITE Governor,

Global Initiative for Territorial Entities

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