Mission WOD
Mission of the World Organization for Development
To endorse achieving sustainable development in the world in accordance to the UN SDG till 2030:
Encourage and promote initiatives and projects implemented by the United Nations to achieve the SDG;
Provide objective information about the economic, social and political situation in various states and their regions that are directly or indirectly affect the achievement of sustainable development on their territories;
To contribute to economic prosperity of developed and developing countries, paying special attention to developing and promoting states’ and regions’ investment opportunities on the international arena;
Strengthen civil society to help their state government in achieving the UN SDG.
The objectives of the World Organization for Development:
Provide a fair assessment of the economy and investment attractiveness of the developed and developing states and its regions on the basis of independent analytical research;
To interact with world′s leading media publications and provide them with independent data about the state of economy and investment attractiveness of a country, a region or an industry in order to create a positive investment image and investment climate to attract and increase foreign direct investment;
Demonstrate current states’ and regions’ opportunities on the international arena, including the United Nations;
Award with a special prize: private and public companies, states and its regions, investors and manufacturers, – who make a significant contribution to the implementation of the UN SDG on their territories.
Mission of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities
Create a supranational, innovative, high-tech Global Governors Platform for the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities of the world.
To form the World Track of Territorial Entities, as part of a three-tier system model of world territorial development, and Conditions, for a harmonious and stable transition of Territorial Entities to a new technological order.
To initiate the establishment of the UN Program on Territorial Entities.
To implement the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, the following Spaces and Tools have been created
Spaces of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities:
Global Governors Media Space
Global Governors Event Space
Global Governors Intellectual Space
Global Initiative Tools for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities:
Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities
World Center for the Development of Territorial Entities
World Forum of Territorial Entities
Global Award for Sustainable Development
Global Governor Summit
Global Governors Club
Global Business Leaders Club
International NGOs’ Club
World Economic Journal
Governors of the World
Governors Newsweek
Governors News
The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities meets 17 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals: https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships/global-initiative-sustainable-development-territorial-entities
First of all:
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10. Reducing Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
15. Life On Land
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Territorial Entities are the foundation for sustainable development of the States. On the effectiveness of the Governors and Governor’s teams depends the development of countries, stability, well-being of people and achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.