World Organization for Development
The World Organization for Development has been endowed with consultative status with the UN ECOSOC since 2014. The World Organization for Development, which has consultative status wich the UN ECOSOC, develops and implements Global Initiatives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

World Organization for Development reported to the UN Global Compact

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UN Global Compact COE 08.01.2023 complete text


World Organization for Development reported to the UN Global CompactWorld Organization for Development reported to the UN Global CompactWorld Organization for Development reported to the UN Global Compact



Period covered by this Communication on Engagement

From: 09 January 2021                       To: 08 January 2023


Part I. Statement of Continued Support by the Chief Executive or Equivalent

Statement of Continued Support

08 January 2023

To our stakeholders:

I am pleased to confirm that World Organization for Development reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. This is our Communication on Engagement with the United Nations Global Compact. We welcome feedback on its contents.

In this Communication of Engagement, we describe the actions that our organization has taken to support the UN Global Compact and its Principles as suggested for an organization like ours. We also commit to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

Sincerely Yours,

Gubernatorov R.N.

President of the World Organization for Development



Part II. Description of Actions

Examples of actions include:

  1. Propose partnership projects on corporate sustainability:

World Organization for Development conducts scientific and practical work in the areas of promoting the sustainable development of the states of the world through the development of territorial entities (districts, provinces, states, lands, etc.) and the creation of Global Governors Platform for the mutual exchange of practical and innovative practices for the development and management of territories, the provision of direct assistance by the Governors’ teams of the more developed countries of the world, the less advanced, to achieve all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals around the world;

  1. Engage companies in Global Compact-related issues;
  2. Provide commentary to companies on Communications on Progress;
  3. Propose partnership projects for sustainable development:

A written statement for the high-level segment of ECOSOC 2021 has been submitted and published. Our written statement at the links below: 1) 2021 ECOSOC High-level Segment:, or under “Documentation” on the 2021 ECOSOC High-level Segment website at: 2) 2021 High-level Political Forum:

4.1. Provide an objective assessment of the economy and investment the attractiveness of developed and developing countries and their regions based on independent analytical studies; 4.2. Interact with the world’s leading media and provide them with independent data on the state of the economy and the investment the attractiveness of a country, region or industry to create a favorable investment image and investment climate to attract and increase foreign direct investment; 4.3. Demonstrate the modern capabilities of states and regions in the international arena, including in the UN; 4.4. To award an exceptional Award to private and public companies, states and regions of the world’s countries, investors, innovators and manufacturers that significantly contribute to implementing the UN SDGs in their countries. 4.5. To develop a supranational, innovative, high-tech Global Governor’s A platform for the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities of the world’s countries. 4.6. To form the World Track of Territorial Entities as part of a three- a level system model of the world territorial structure (States – Territories – Cities) for Sustainable Development and to create conditions for a harmonious and high-quality transition of the states of the world to a new technological order. 4.7. Initiate the creation of the United Nations Territorial Development Program.;;;


  1. Organize and Participate in Global, Regional, and Local events:

On December 20, 2022, the official ceremony of announcing the winners of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297, who made a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Federation, took place in the Moscow City business center. Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297 includes twelve international awards in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and has been awarded since 2010 in different countries of the world. The first awards were presented to the laureates of the World Investment Award “Investment Angel” in 2010. The prize was awarded to states (People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan and others), regions of the world (Kaluga region, Ulyanovsk region, Moscow, Republic of Tatarstan, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Amur, Belgorod, Tambov and Tyumen regions, Karaganda region of Kazakhstan and others), international companies and banks: PepsiCo, Ferrero, Volkswagen, Ford, Novo Nordisk, Unilever, AFK Sistema, Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank, International Bank of Azerbaijan. The Organizer of the Award – World Organization for Development, based on the candidates provided by the regional authorities for competitive selection, as a result of data received from artificial intelligence for territorial entities (AITE) and the analytical service WOD-Research, announced the winners of the first stage of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297 in the series of Awards: “Innovation Angel”, “Technology Angel”, “Investment Angel”, “Women Angels for SDGs”, “Business Angel for SDGs”.

The short list of nominees of the first stage was formed from among the candidates presented by the leadership of the regions of the Russian Federation. The short list of nominees of the second stage is formed until April 10, 2023 from among the candidates submitted by professional communities, public associations and self-nominated candidates. Upon completion of the second stage of the competitive selection, the awards will be presented by prominent politicians and representatives of the country’s largest public organizations with the participation of the chairman of the organizing committee of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297, President of the World Organization for Development Robert Gubernatorov.



In the nomination “Women-Angels in the field of opportunities for women and girls” “For contribution to the achievement of SDG 5”, Yulia Valerievna Trofimova, General Director of LLC “Chudomama” was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Women-Angels in the field of creating decent jobs” “For contribution to the achievement of SDG 8”, Maria Viktorovna Belkova, General Director of ECO-DREAM LLC, was announced as a laureate;

In the nominations “Women-Angels in the field of innovations” “For contribution to the achievement of 9 SDGs”, Orlovskaya Natalya Evgenievna, General Director of Splav Corporation JSC was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Women Angels in the field of achieving all 17 SDGs: for the contribution and active participation in the promotion, implementation and coordination of Agenda 2030 in the city of Moscow”, Belova Elena Pavlovna was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Women Angels in the field of achieving all 17 SDGs: for the contribution to the implementation of a pilot project in the city of Moscow, promotion and standardization of the achievement of the SDGs in the private sector”, Asiyat Bagatyrovna Bagatyrova was announced as a laureate;

Fedorova Anastasiia Vladimirovna was announced as a laureate in the nomination “Women Angels in Achieving All 17 SDGs: for Contribution to Promoting the Sustainable Development Agenda in Cities and Single-City Towns of the Russian Federation”.



In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investment in the agro-industrial complex and agriculture” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 2 “the winners were announced:

Pavlyuk Denis Petrovich, Chairman of SPSSK “Novgorodsky Agrarian”;

Pireev Ivan Ivanovich, Peasant Economy Pireev Ivan Ivanovich;

In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investment in medicine, pharmaceuticals and a healthy lifestyle” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 3, Bugaenko Evgeny Valeryevich, Director of BE CLINIC LLC, was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Business Angel in the field of private investment in innovation” For contribution to the achievement of 9 SDGs” the winners were announced:

Petrov Alexander Vladimirovich, General Director of OKB-PLANETA JSC;

Muratshin Maxim Khalilovich, General Director of KELAST LLC.



In the nomination “Investment Angel in the field of investment in the development and implementation of innovations” For contribution to the achievement of 9 SDGs” the winners were announced:

PJSC “AKRON” (Novgorod region);

CJSC PLYTERRA (Republic of Mordovia);

In the nomination “Effective specialized institutions for the development of subjects of the states of the world in the field of investment development: “For contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, the NGO “Guarantee Fund – a microcredit company of the Republic of Khakassia” was declared a laureate.



In the nominations “Technological Angel in the field of technological development of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture” For contribution to the achievement of 2 SDGs and the promotion of sustainable development of agriculture” and in the field of modern waste processing technologies “For the contribution to the achievement of 12 SDGs”: LLC “Agrofirma Yuzhnaya” was announced as a laureate (Krasnodar region);

In the nomination “Technology Angel in the field of technologies for the development of renewable and clean energy sources” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 7 “, the branch of PJSC RusHydro” – Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after P.S. Neporozhny “(Republic of Khakassia) was announced as a laureate;

PLYTERRA CJSC (Republic of Mordovia) was declared the winner in the nominations “Technology Angel in the field of technologies for the development of renewable and clean energy sources” For contribution to the achievement of 7 SDGs” and in the field of modern waste processing technologies “For the contribution to the achievement of 12 SDGs”;

In the nomination “Technological Angel in the field of technological development of cities and towns” “For the contribution to the achievement of 11 SDGs”, LLC “StroyDostupnost” (Novgorod Region) was announced as a laureate.



In the nomination “Innovative Angel in the field of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 2 “the winners were announced:

LLC “Plant of Special Machine Building Iskadaz”;

Novitek PRO LLC (Udmurt Republic);

In the nomination “Innovation Angel in the field of scientific innovation in the development of healthcare and pharmaceuticals” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 3, “Tekhbionik” LLC (Novgorod region) was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Innovation Angel in the field of innovations for the development of renewable and clean energy sources” “For contribution to the achievement of SDG 7”, LLC “Alternative Energy” (Udmurt Republic) was announced as a laureate;

In the nomination “Innovation Angel in the field of efficiency-oriented innovations” “For contribution to the achievement of 8 SDGs”, the winners were announced:

LLC “SP OMEGA” (Udmurt Republic);

VEA TECHNOLOGY LLC, VERSTA brand (Novgorod region);

In the nomination “Innovation Angel in the field of consumer innovation” For contribution to the achievement of 9 SDGs, the winners were announced:

ELMA LLC (Udmurt Republic);

IP Timofeev Alexander Vladimirovich, (Novgorod region);

BOKSGLAS LLC (Udmurt Republic);

In the nomination “Innovative Angel in the field of engineering innovations” “For contribution to the achievement of 11 SDGs”, the winners were announced:

PJSC “KAMAZ” (Republic of Tatarstan);

LLC Unmanned Systems (Udmurt Republic);


In the nomination “Effective specialized institutions for the development of subjects of the states of the world in the field of innovative development: “For contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, the winners were announced:

Moscow Innovation Agency;

UNO “Innovation Development Fund of the Krasnodar Territory”.

Publications about the laureates (winners) announced by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” #SDGAction40297 are posted on the website of the UN SDG Action Campaign, established by the Secretary General of the United Nations, the main purpose of which is to stimulate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and on the official websites of the Awards,


  1. Attract new participants to the UN Global Compact through their outreach efforts and awareness raising:

Global Governors Media Space (GGMS) is a high-tech and innovative development. GGMS assists the Governors and their teams in the sustainable development and management of the Territorial Entities of different world countries.

The Global Governors Media Space is part of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410. Within these media, intellectual and event spaces are formed for Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities in different world countries.

Within the Global Governors Media Space framework, more than 52 media channels are being created in English, Chinese, Russian, and other world languages.

Global Governors Media Editions:

Governors News – vertically integrated international news network media of the first level in different languages, accumulating the latest news from the Governors and their teams on development and achievements, directly from the sources.

Governors Newsweek – vertically integrated international weekly print and digital publications of the second level in different languages.

Governors of the World – vertically integrated international analytical monthly printed and digital publications of the third level in different languages, on the activities of the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities – top-level units, governors’ teams, and achievements in the areas of sustainable development of Territorial Entities around the world.

World Economic Journal – horizontally integrated international analytical monthly print and digital publications of the first level in different languages, on the interaction of the Governors with international and national business leaders and corporations in the interests of the development of the Territories.

As well as Governor’s Channel, World Economic Channel;


  1. Have a dedicated sustainability plan or a global plan that incorporates the ecological, economic, political, and cultural dimensions of the region’s sustainability:

World Organization for Development is taking action to promote the development agenda of ECOSOC and the United Nations as a whole. The organization has developed and implemented the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities and the “Angel for Sustainable Development” Global Awards. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities stimulates the sustainable development of the Territorial entities in the innovative, technological, economic, social, and other fields creating the Global Governors Platform for the exchange of innovative practices for the development and management of Territorial entities, mutual growth, and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations has already twice recognized the Global Initiatives developed by World Organization for Development as SDG Good Practices to achieve the United Nations SDGs in 2015 and 2021:

Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410:   “Angel for Sustainable Development” Global Awards #SDGAction40297:


Part III. Measurement of Outcomes

Examples of measurement of outcomes include:

  1. Partnerships formalized with mutual aims to advance the UN Global Compact principles: 37 partnerships;
  2. Expertise provided by your organization to further the aims of Global Compact Local Network in your country:

A lot of publications were made in the social networks of the organization and the Governors News, Governors Newsweek, which promoted the UN Global Compact and did analytical materials on this topic;

  1. The Partnership is planned, formalized with the mutual goal of promoting the principles of the UN Global Compact, in the implementation of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410:

In the period from 2009 to 2023, the World Organization for Development has developed and is gradually implementing the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 and tools for the implementation of the Global Governors Initiative.

To implement the supranational innovative technological process, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 established the Initiative Tools:

Global Governors Summit;

World Forum of Territorial Entities;

Global Award for Sustainable Development;

Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities;

World Center for the Development of Territorial Entities / WC-TED;

Initiative for the Establishment of the United Nations Territorial Development Program;

Global Governors Club;

Global Business Club;

The Governors News, Governors Newsweek and World Economic Journal.

One of the goals of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 is to reward international corporations with the Global Award for Sustainable Development, for their contribution to the development of Territorial Entities.

The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 creates a Global Governors Dialogue Platform for the exchange of best world practices and innovative practices in various areas of territorial development, creating a new impetus in the development of Territorial Entities. The mission of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 is the implementation of a supranational innovative technological process created for the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world. The Global Initiative provides an opportunity to unite more than three thousand Governors and their colossal experience to share best innovative practices in the development and management of the Territorial Entities, to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Initiative has 17 Goals and corresponds to 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The development of the Global Initiative was based on the principles of independence, systematic, multi-year innovation and scientific and practical work.


With great respect to You,

President of the World Organization for Development

Gubernatorov R.N.


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