World Organization for Development
The World Organization for Development has been endowed with consultative status with the UN ECOSOC since 2014. The World Organization for Development, which has consultative status wich the UN ECOSOC, develops and implements Global Initiatives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities

Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities

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UN SDG Good Practices:

Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities




The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities has been developed as a supranational innovative technology for the development of Territorial entities of different countries. The development of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities was based on the principles of independence, systematic, multi-year innovation and scientific and practical work. Territorial Entities, within the framework of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, are upper-level administrative-territorial units, along with autonomous regions and cities of central subordination. Units of the level of territorial entities are also special administrative districts, which have much greater autonomy. ​ Independent status of the Global Initiative: The development of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities did not involve financial and other resources of states and territorial entities, in order to preserve the principle of independence, supranationality and freedom of development and decision-making. Author’s development of the Global Initiative: The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities is the result of intellectual activity, designed as an author’s description of the supranational innovative Global Governors Platform for the Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities around the world, entitled “Global Initiative for Territorial Entities”. The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier – ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0407 and deposited with the Russian Authors’ Society (RAO), entry in the Register under No. 25899. Creation period from December 23, 2009 to March 3, 2017. Author: Robert N.Gubernatorov.



The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities has been developed as a supranational, innovative, high-tech system model that forms the Global Governors Platform for the sustainable development of the territorial entities of the world. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities is the initiator of the United Nations Territorial Entities Program. The basic developments of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, Spaces and Tools of the Global Initiative were based on the principles of independence, consistency, many years of innovative, scientific and practical work and were carried out from 2009-2021. From 2018, the practical implementation of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, the construction of Global Spaces and Initiative Tools began. Territorial Entities, as part of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, are top-level administrative-territorial units, along with autonomous regions and cities of central subordination. Territorial Entities are also considered to be special administrative districts with much greater autonomy. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities considers Territorial formations of the upper level as part of a three-tier system model of the world territorial structure and development, in the era of transition to a new technological structure. World Track First Level is the Intergovernmental Track, which is represented by 193 UN Member States; The Second Level World Track is initiated by the Territorial Entities Track, represented by regions, states, provinces, cities of central subordination; The Third Level World Track is the cities and towns represented by the UN HABITAT Program. In order to create the World Track of Territorial Entities, the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities is initiating the establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, contributing to the creation of the Global Governors Platform, under the UN auspices, a systemic tool for the exchange of innovative practices and successful experience in the management and development of Territorial entities in the world, in order to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The formation of the World Track of Territorial Entities and the establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, proposed by the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, are necessary elements that create the conditions for a harmonious and stable transition to a new technological order. The Track of the Second Level, represented by the Territorial Entities of the upper level, is the main customer, generator, volume consumer and main transit country of the products of the new technological order. This is an important innovation for the development of States, territorial entities and the achievement of the UN SDGs.


Contribution to SDG Implementation

The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities and its implementation are a necessary requirement of modern times for the sustainable development of the world. Territorial Entities is the basis for the sustainable development of any States. According to the results of the work of regional governments, state budgets are formed. The effectiveness of the work of the Governors and governor’s teams depends on the development and stability in the countries, the growth of people’s well-being and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Higher State leadership, in most countries of the world, is doing a lot for the development of Territorial entities. Yet, as a rule, this is not enough. Most States retain the principle that the central government requires maximum results from regional authorities, but cannot provide the territorial entities with the necessary innovative models and modern successful practices to achieve the objectives set by the central government. For example, the creation of a favorable investment climate and the development of new innovative industries remain, to a large extent, a problem for the Governors and their teams. Regional governments should address the issues of creating new jobs (combating unemployment), social, infrastructural, environmental problems and many other tasks that are important for the sustainable development of the Territorial entities. In each country, each Governor with his team fights for a better life for its citizens – voters, creating new and more modern technological models of development and management, making mistakes, correcting them and achieving goals. In many respects, the goals, objectives and approaches for solving them are similar in the territorial entities. But how to reduce time and financial costs using new breakthrough development and management technologies that have already been successfully implemented by other Territorial entities.


Implementation methodologies

The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities is designed to answer this and many other questions. 1. The creation of a supranational innovation Global Governors Platform for Sustainable Development Territorial entities in different countries of the world provides for the organization and regular holding of the Global Governors Summit; 2. Thousands of international forums are held in the world, but there is not a single Global one that has an emphasis on the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world, uniting the Governors and governor’s teams from around the world. The Global Initiative proposes holding the World Forum of Territorial Entities on a regular basis. 3. Hundreds of international awards are held in the world annually, but none focuses on promoting sustainable development of the Territorial Entities and awarding the Governors and governor’s teams for the best world practices in the management and development of the Territorial Entities. It is necessary to stimulate the activity of Business and reward, within the Global Governors Platform, international and national corporations and companies for significant contribution to the development of Territorial Entities. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities proposes a Global Award for Sustainable Development. 4. Technological and innovative development is a priority and engine of world development, but we have not yet put innovative science in the service of the Territorial Entities, Governors and governor’s teams. Over the years, scientific advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence have been developing. This innovation should be in the service of territorial entities. Then the Territories will be able to receive high-tech assistance, reduce time and financial costs, using new breakthrough development and management technologies introduced already in Territorial Entities of other countries of the world. To achieve this goal, the Global Initiative forms the Global Governors Intellectual Space and develops Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities (AITE). 5. International statistical reporting is given in uniform international standards only at the States level. At the level of Territorial Entities, it does not fall under the general international standards and requirements. To solve this problem, a Statistical Committee of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities has been created. 6. The objectives of the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world, to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, are not raised at a high international level. For more than 70 years, issues related to human settlements have been addressed at the level of the United Nations. The UN Habitat Program has demonstrated its effectiveness. Thanks to this UN Program, localities of different countries of the world received an impulse for the cultural, social, economic development of cities and localities. 7. International and global media, the editorial policy of which is aimed at covering the activities of the Governors and their teams from different countries and issues of sustainable development of the Territorial Entities, have not been created in the world before. Achieving sustainable development of Territorial Entities will be more dynamic with regular coverage of innovative and effective practices and methods of development and management of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world. Governors can know each other, read about each other, share with each other unique experiences and successful practices. Governors are a huge and influential World Elite, which is not given sufficient attention and coverage at the world level. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities sees the need for the development and popularization of this topic. The Global Governors Media Space is being formed, which includes the following Tools: Governors News, GOVERNORS NEWSWEEK, Governors of the World, World Economic Journal and others that facilitate the exchange of innovative, high-tech and modern practices in the management and development of Territorial Entities around the world, combining and translating experience in these areas to achieve the UN SDGs. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities provides an opportunity to unite more than two thousand Governors, Heads of Territorial Entities and their enormous experience to share best and innovative practices (methods) of development and management of Territorial Entities to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



Create a supranational, innovative, high-tech Global Governors Platform for the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities of the world. To form the World Track of Territorial Entities, as part of a three-tier system model of world territorial development, and Conditions, for a harmonious and stable transition of Territorial Entities to a new technological order. To initiate the establishment of the UN Program on Territorial Entities. To implement the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, the following Spaces and Tools have been created: Spaces of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities: ​ Global Governors Media Space Global Governors Event Space Global Governors Intellectual Space Global Initiative Tools for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities: ​ Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities World Center for the Development of Territorial Entities World Forum of Territorial Entities Global Award for Sustainable Development Global Governor Summit Global Governors Club Global Business Leaders Club World Economic Journal Governors of the World Governors Newsweek Governors News The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities meets 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals: ​ 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 10. Reducing Inequality 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life On Land 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions 17. Partnerships for the Goals Territorial Entities are the foundation for sustainable development of the States. On the effectiveness of the Governors and Governor’s teams depends the development of countries, stability, well-being of people and achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Factors and Constraints

Initiative to Establish the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities is a necessary requirement of modern times for the sustainable development of the world and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Territorial Entities of the upper level are the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of the UN Member States. The development of countries, stability, the growth of citizens’ well-being and the achievement of the UN SDGs depend on the effectiveness of the work of the governors and the governor’s teams. The mission of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities is: Creation of a supranational, innovative, high-tech Global Governors Platform for the sustainable development of Territorial Entities of the World; Formation of the World Track of Territorial Entities, as part of a three-tier system model of world territorial development, and of the Conditions, for a harmonious and stable transition of Territorial Entities to a new technological order; Initiative to Establish the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities considers the Territorial Entities of the upper level as part of a three-tier system model of the world territorial structure and development, in the era of transition to a new technological structure: World Track First Level is the Intergovernmental Track, which is represented by 193 UN Member States; The Second Level World Track is initiated by the Territorial Entities Track, represented by regions, states, provinces, cities of central subordination; The Third Level World Track is the cities and towns represented by the UN HABITAT Program. In order to create the World Track of Territorial Entities, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities is initiating the establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, contributing to the creation of the Global Governors Platform, under the UN auspices, a systemic tool for the exchange of innovative practices and successful experience in the management and development of Territorial entities in the world, in order to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The formation of the World Track of Territorial Entities and the establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, proposed by the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, are necessary elements that create the conditions for a harmonious and stable transition to a new technological order. The Second Level World Track, represented by the Territorial Entities of the upper level, is the main customer, generator, volume consumer and main transit country of the products of the new technological order. This is an important innovation for the development of States, Territorial Entities and the achievement of the UN SDGs. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities provides for interaction with the United Nations and international organizations of the UN system. The need for interaction with the UN is due to the supranational feature of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, a set of Spaces and Instruments created under the Global Initiative that contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities was developed with many years of cooperation with the Association on sustainable development and investment climate improvement, uniting investors and creditors “World Organization for Development”, with special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities creates conditions for the definition and further scaling of the world’s best innovative territorial practices in various areas of the development of Territorial Entities. One of the successful examples of the territorial principle in the work of the UN is the UN Habitat Program, which has demonstrated its effectiveness. Thanks to this UN Program, localities from different countries received an impulse for cultural, social and economic development. In 1945, the United Nations was created as a First Level Intergovernmental Track. On the basis of the territorial principle in its work, the UN has established the Program on Human Settlements – UN Habitat – Track of the Third Level (small territorial track). The World Track of Territorial Entities, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities and the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities Initiative are a Level Two Track and an important innovation to stimulate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More than two thousand Governors and regional leaders will be able to get the Global Governors Platform for dialogue, with the participation of the United Nations, in order to exchange the most innovative and effective territorial practices for mutual development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities creates and develops a supranational, innovative, high-tech Global Governors Platform, forms three Spaces and a set of Tools: Global Governors Media Space and its profile editions; Intellectual Space and Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities; Event Space: Global Governors Summit, World Forum of Territorial Entities, Global Award for Sustainable Development and Global Governors Club. The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities submits to the United Nations an Initiative to establish the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, as a systemic Platform that promotes the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

See also  Global Governors Event Space - is one of the three components of the Spaces of the Global Initiative


Sustainability and replicability

Appeal to the Governors The appeal is directed to the Governors and leaders of Territorial Entities of different countries of the world – the most influential and professional world elite.

Dear Governors!

I address You with a feeling of deep respect and gratitude for Your everyday and hard work, for the benefit of the prosperity of the Nations! Territorial Entities is the foundation for the sustainable development of any State and on the effectiveness of the Governors, the Governor’s teams depend on the development of countries, stability, and the growth of voters’ well-being. In many countries the Governors are united at the national level and are part of the National Associations of Governors, they conduct a dialogue and share the most effective practices for the development and management of Territorial Entities. The work of such Associations is very important for the development of States. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities creates a Global Dialogue Platform for the exchange of best world practices and innovative practices in various areas of territorial development, creating a new impetus in the development of Territorial Entities. The mission of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities is the implementation of a supranational innovative technological process created for the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world. The Global Initiative provides an opportunity to unite more than two thousand Governors and their colossal experience to share best innovative practices in the development and management of the Territorial Entities, to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Initiative and its implementation is a necessary requirement of the present for sustainable development of the world. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities has 17 Goals and corresponds to 9 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The development of the Global Initiative was based on the principles of independence, systematic, multi-year innovation and scientific and practical work. There are hundreds of international forums in the world, but there is not one that unites the Governors and leaders of Territorial Entities of different countries. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities proposes that the World Forum of Territorial Entities be held regularly. Dozens of international awards are held in the world, but there is not one that focuses on stimulating the sustainable development of Territorial Entities around the world and awards Governors and Governor’s teams for the best world practices in the management and development of Territorial Entities. It is also proposed to reward the Corporation for its great contribution to the development of Territorial Entities. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities proposes to hold the Global Sustainable Development Award. Technological and innovative development in the world is a priority and engine of world development, but we have not yet put innovative science in the service of Territorial Entities, Governors and Governor’s teams. For many years, the development and use of scientific achievements in the field of Artificial Intelligence has been conducted, this innovation is proposed to be put on the service of Territorial Entities. Then we will be able to reduce the time and financial costs, using the new breakthrough technologies of development and management introduced already in the Territorial Entities of other countries. To achieve this goal, the Global Initiative is developing Artificial Intelligence for the Development of Territorial Entities. International statistical reporting is presented in a uniform state only at the state level, and at the level of Territorial Entities is not brought to the general international standards and requirements. To solve this problem, the Statistical Committee of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities was established. The tasks for the development of the Territorial Entities of the countries of the world, for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, are not effectively addressed at the international, supranational level. Even questions of human settlements in the United Nations have been dealt with for more than 70 years. The UN-HABITAT Program has shown its effectiveness. Human settlements from different countries, thanks to this UN Program, received an impulse for cultural, social, economic development. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities offers the Initiative for the Establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities, which will be approved by the UN General Assembly and the UN Secretary General with the support of Heads of State and Governors. In 1945, the United Nations was created as an interstate Track of the First Level. Then the UN established the UN Habitat Program – the Track of the Third Level. The World Track of Territorial Entities and the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities are a Track of the Second Level and an important innovation for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Unfortunately, there are no global media yet, whose editorial policy would be aimed at covering the activities of the Governors from around the world. Achieving the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities will be more dynamic, with regular coverage of innovative and effective practices for the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world. Governors should know each other, read about each other, share with each other a unique experience. Governors are a huge and influential world elite, which is not paid enough attention and coverage at the world level. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities understands the need to promote and popularize this topic and includes two international journals in the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities Tools: World Economic Journal and a new magazine: The Governors of the World. To implement the supranational innovative technological process, the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities established the Initiative Tools: World Forum of Territorial Entities; Global Sustainable Development Award; Artificial Intelligence for the Development of Territorial Entities / AI-TED; The Statistical Committee of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities; World Center for the Development of Territorial Entities / WC-TED; Initiative for the establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Education; Global Governors Club of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities; Business Club of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities; The Governors of the World and the World Economic Journal. The Global Initiative for Territorial Entities offers cooperation to all Governors and Governor’s teams. I ask to support the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities and the Initiative for the Establishment of the United Nations Program on Territorial Entities: Write a letter on support for the Global Initiative and interest in participating in the World Forum of Territorial Entities and the Global Sustainable Development Award. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration and willingness to work together for peace and prosperity of Nations! Sincerely, Governor of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities Robert N.Gubernatorov


COVID-19 Impact

This Initiative can support recovery efforts from the impact of COVID-19. The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important and irreplaceable the work of Governors and Governor’s teams is. In many ways, this work, for all people on the Planet, is fundamental, since the Governors are in direct interaction with the population of their regions. With the help of this Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, Governors of all countries will be able to communicate and share good practices with each other in the fight against the consequences of COVID-19.

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